Diversity and Inclusion Is Good Business

I had the honor of serving on the diversity and inclusion committee at JNJ some years ago. This was a serious effort to :

1. Insure we were reaching a diverse customer base and our products were meeting the needs of the diverse customer base

2. Consider diverse suppliers in all purchasing decisions, especially women and minority owned companies

3. Hire a diverse workforce

A study published in Research from McKinsey and referenced in the Forbes article attached shows that team diversity can be an instrumental factor in a company's success. In 2019, companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural representation on executive teams outperformed those in the fourth quartile by 36% in profitability. I know from my personal experience that diversity in the workplace improves decision making and overall outcomes.

The JNJ diversity and inclusion effort was impressive. It was NOT a program to hire lower qualified suppliers or employees and we NEVER compromised our standards. We found new places to recruit. There are plenty of qualified diverse candidates.

It is sad to see the federal government cancelling all diversity and inclusion programs. This sets us back at least 50 years. I hope the private sector DOES NOT follow.


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