Our expertise



Growing brands and technologies through licensing is an effective means to reach new and expanding markets. We develop licensing strategies, establish an in-bound or out-bound licensing programs, search for potential partners, negotiate licenses and implement the licensing program.



Assets are often more valuable outside your company. We evaluate portfolios, identify divestiture candidates, develop divestiture strategies and run divestiture transactions from initial evaluation through reverse due diligence, buyer outreach, buyer diligence, bid solicitation, negotiation, closing and separation.



Growth through acquisition can often be the best approach to catapult your brand or company to the next level. We develop and implement disciplined acquisition strategies to identify relevant targets, evaluate potential opportunities, develop bid strategies, negotiate, close and complete a smooth transition.

Intellectual Property


A sound strategy provides a competitive advantage. We assess capabilities to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and develop a disciplined approach to win in the market place.



Demystifying art law is in itself a creative practice. It requires finesse, strategic structuring, and, in many ways, empathy. At the end of the day, art and its worth is profoundly personal. In such matters, mediation or arbitration almost always yields the most fulfilling results. However, should the occasion arise, our lawyers are more than prepared to move into litigation. From artists, agents, dealers, galleries, museums, and auction houses, our clients have always walked away from their disputes or deals knowing that their core interests were preserved.

Strategic Partnerships


Many business arrangements are not plain vanilla acquisitions, licenses or divestitures but rather strategic commercial relationships where the two sides bring their best capabilities to deliver better outcomes than either can accomplish alone. We evaluate capabilities, identify potential partners, develop contract strategies and pitch approaches and negotiate innovative relationships.